Last workout of the week.
Warmup: stretch, arms circles, just get warmed up. Usually I don't do pull ups since I did back the day before.
Standing Shoulder Press (I used the immobile bar machine thing. w.e it's called): 5 sets: 1 Warmup, 12x50, 12x50, 8x60, 4x70.
Shoulder Dumbbell Raises 3 Forms: Front raise, side raise, and i believe it's called "lateral raise": three movements, superset them for 1 rep. 8 reps per set. 3 sets
8x15, 8x20, 8x25.
Shoulder Cable Raises Front Raise:
12xlightweight, 12xlightweight, 6-8xa bit heavier weight. (my gym doesn't have it in lbs, just levels of weight)
Shoulder Cable Raises Side Raise:]
12xlightweight, 12xlightweight, 6-8xa bit heavier weight. (my gym doesn't have it in lbs, just levels of weight)
Triceps: I don't do much tricep because I already use it alot for chest and shoulder. I don't want to over train the muscle.
Dips: 3 sets 10xbodyweight, 10xbodyweight, 10xbodyweight
Dumbell One Arm Tricep Extension:
4 sets each arm: 1 Warump, 12x20, 10x30, 6x35-40.
Cable Extension:
4 sets: warmup, 10xmedium weight, 6-8xheavy weight, 6xheavy weight
Barbell Curl (wide grip): 3 sets
Warmup, 10x65, 6-8x75-80
Incline dumbbell curl (supinate the wrists to help with bicep peak and get the whole bicep): 5 sets
Warmup, 10x20, 8x25, 8x25, 6-8x25,6-8x25.
Negative Preacer curl:
3 sets: 75x6, 75x5, 75x however many you can do. prbly pooped out if you worked hard enough.
Call it a day and drink some protein. alot of workouts on some small muscles for today.
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