Tyler Liang

Started Working out March 2010. About to complete 1 year of serious lifting. This is just a blog of my experiences in trying to attain the physique I want.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/12/11 Update

Hey guys, I'm at Austin College now.

The large volumes of food they have here give me good hopes of gaining more mass, and achieving my 190 lbs by the end of freshman year.

Currently I am consistently 181 lbs. Here are some photos.

Some lagging spots right now are my shoulders, chest, and back.

I'm on a different workout routine currently. Leg/Shoulder, Chest/Tri, Back/Bi.

Pretty Traditional.


Monday, July 25, 2011


I took a break for 5 days. Probably shouldn't have. Still haven't finished the rest of my HST training.

Getting back into it tmr morning.

I feel like I've been lazy these past days, with work and partying with friends.

I'm changing some things however.

1. going to research into a new NO pre supp.
2. moving back to ab ripper for abs
3. making sure I actually take my supps.
4. Sleep more.

If I'm going to get to 190 by the end of freshman year in college, I better start working hard now.

New weight 175.4 lbs right before my break. HST starting to kick in I feel. Weight change might not be substantial, but still... it's a change I haven't had in a long time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pics 7/17/11

Got some more cut. a bit more mass. and a bit more orange red tan? maybe just a sunburn.

lat spread

my head looks super big compared to my body, cause A) i do have a big head. and B) im leaning extremely forward.

new update.

Hey guys, I know it's been a while since my last post but I've started working alot. so no computer time.

I currently weigh 172-173 without clothes (with clothes of course). I've cut down alot of fat even though my diet hasn't been totally strict. If it was, my cuts potentially could be better.

I'll get some pics up soon.

I look bigger, feel bigger, more abs, and a bit sunburnt.

New supps that I really like are Scivation Xtend, which I attribute to some of my fatloss including squats and deadlifts.

I've worked out at Jerome's gym in downtown Plano. Pretty harcore.

Right now I have a lifetime membership, prbly going to keep it till I have enough time to workout at metroflex or gold's. unless they offer a college flex plan like lifetime does.

I also attribute some of my mass gains to my HST traning. Search it up. It's basically a full body workout every other day with progressive load.

Keep lifting. I'm about to go to lifetime to lift then steamroom and shower.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Workout Update

This Weekend, The Past weekend, and the PAST PAST weekend, my diet slipped a-lot given that I had two prom's in a row and ended up in some really bad places this weekend.

=[[. feel so depressed. But I'm trying to get my mental focus back this week, starting with my legs which are already extremely sore from the 8 hours of basketball I also played.

BTW. The heavy weight squats have increased my ups by like 5 inches. I can now touch rim!

Anyways, I've been reading all these great reviews on these supplements from this company called Applied Nutriceuticals. Definitely thinking about trying some things out at the end of my school year, especially Neovar (their creatine) and RPM (their pre-workout).

I'll let you guys know once I do purchase the supplements. For now, I'm still using my Jack3d, which is about to run out. One thing about Jack3d is that I get used to it so fast, and the bottle runs out so fast. =[.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good start of the week

Leg day yesterday was good.
I got down low for all my squats. and decline leg pressed 630lbs, 7 plates. Starting to get some more mass in my legs.

Chest day was good too today. I did alot of lower reps and heavier weights to focus on mass a bit more. and lowered my sets down to 2 or 1. I did 5 reps of 175 with a spotter. which is pretty good for me considering I'm still pretty weak.

Got some more protein today and a shake bottle so I can get my protein in at the gym.
Saw an ER doctor today during my hospital rotation. Buff as heck. He majored in sports nutrition and I;m thinking about doing that too. Hopefully I'll make med school too haha =].

Thursday: Arms

Last workout of the week.


Warmup: stretch, arms circles, just get warmed up. Usually I don't do pull ups since I did back the day before.

Standing Shoulder Press (I used the immobile bar machine thing. w.e it's called): 5 sets: 1 Warmup, 12x50, 12x50, 8x60, 4x70.
Shoulder Dumbbell Raises 3 Forms: Front raise, side raise, and i believe it's called "lateral raise": three movements, superset them for 1 rep. 8 reps per set. 3 sets
8x15, 8x20, 8x25.
Shoulder Cable Raises Front Raise:
12xlightweight, 12xlightweight, 6-8xa bit heavier weight. (my gym doesn't have it in lbs, just levels of weight)
Shoulder Cable Raises Side Raise:]
12xlightweight, 12xlightweight, 6-8xa bit heavier weight. (my gym doesn't have it in lbs, just levels of weight)

Triceps: I don't do much tricep because I already use it alot for chest and shoulder. I don't want to over train the muscle.
Dips: 3 sets 10xbodyweight, 10xbodyweight, 10xbodyweight
Dumbell One Arm Tricep Extension:
4 sets each arm: 1 Warump, 12x20, 10x30, 6x35-40.
Cable Extension:
4 sets: warmup, 10xmedium weight, 6-8xheavy weight, 6xheavy weight

Barbell Curl (wide grip): 3 sets
Warmup, 10x65, 6-8x75-80
Incline dumbbell curl (supinate the wrists to help with bicep peak and get the whole bicep): 5 sets
Warmup, 10x20, 8x25, 8x25, 6-8x25,6-8x25.
Negative Preacer curl:
3 sets: 75x6, 75x5, 75x however many you can do. prbly pooped out if you worked hard enough.

Call it a day and drink some protein. alot of workouts on some small muscles for today.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I had my sweets and stuff. =].

But I kept it to a minimum. My date was all like EATTTT MOREEE.

Anyways, I refrained from my soda, my favorite pastime. The food was pretty good for girls and guys night, had a little bit of fries.

Next week is AP testing, so I'm just gonna hit the YMCA right after school, and study or something like that. Sorry Michael, I promise we'll workout after AP exams. =].

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday: Non-existant back

Woke up today, didn't go to school until 12:15 so i played an hour of basketball before that. I planned to do back after school, but I ended up going on a date and spending the whole night.

worth it? maybe =]].

i'll adapt and move back to thursday, and arms to friday morning.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wednesday: Back

I love back day, my lats are probably the best part of my body. at least to me. haha.
take some preworkout. I use a back brace belt to keep my back straight

Warmup: overhand pull ups (however many you need) x 2

Deadlifts: 4 sets, Warmup, 135x10, 185x8-10, 225x6, 225x6
Lat Pull: 4 sets, 90x12, 140x10, 180x6, 180x6
Wide Lat Pull: 2 sets, 140x8, 140x6-8
Underhand Lat Pulldown Machine or Cable: 3 sets, 90x10, 140x8, 180x4-6
Barbell Rows: 115x10, 135x8, 135x8
Cable Close grip lat pull: 3 sets, (my gym has levels on the weights, still need to ask how much per level), Warmup, My cable is pretty light so I just use all the weight for 2 more sets.

Machine Pulldown overhand: 4 sets: 70x12, 90x10, 110x8, 160x4-6
Machine Lat Pull (Cooldown) 3 sets: 90x10,90x10, 70x10

Eat some protein. done for the day.

Tuesday: Chest

This is my chest workout for my second semester this senior year. it corresponds with my leg workout.

PreWorkout: Jack3d

Flat Bench Press: 3 sets, 1 warmup, 155lbs x10, 155x6-8.
Decline Bench Press (Can substitute with dumbbell though barbell is better for mass): 2 sets 145x8, 145x8
Dumbbell Flies: 4 sets, 1 warmup, 30lbsx10, 35x10, 40x6-8.
Usually get some glutamine in here.
Machine Incline Press (my gym has the legit ones, not the one with preset weights):
3 sets, Warmup, 140x8, 140x6
Machine Decline Press: 3 sets: Warmup, 180x6-8, 180x6-8
Machine Flat Press: 3 sets: 70x10, 70x8, 70x8. (this is a burnout to get what's left of your chest)
Machine Flies: USE LIGHT WEIGHT. focus on the squeeze. 3 sets: 50x12 x 3. It's a cool down.

Drink some protein.
Good workout. If you wanna do more mass, do heavier weights and less reps.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mind Connection & Failure

These two ideas are central to my workouts. I am a believer in these concepts.
Mind Connection

Frank or ice1cube (now deleted) taught me about this. When you do your rep, use your mind to feel and contact the muscle you're targeting. This will help get a better squeeze, and isolate that muscle. Definitely an amazing thing when you do it right.

On Working sets, do it until failure. Sometimes, push past failure with a spotter. It'll promote your growth more than you think. Especially if you're doing heavy weight and low reps. Dorian Yates training videos taught me this. It helps to work hard. no shit. XD.


I'm going to start posting my workout schedule for the week. I've been feeling awesome with this schedule, and not too stressed.

-Jack3d, water

Stretch real good, especially those hamstrings. If you pull something you're done for the day.

Squats: don't use those silly machines, they hurt your knees. Get the bar and squat. I use a back brace belt to help on heavier sets.
- 4 sets: 1 warmup, 3 working -- 225lbs(10 reps), 275(6-8 reps), 315(2-4 reps)

Leg Press: Keep your feet high to get strain off your knees.

- 4 sets: 1 warmup, 3 working --- 450 (10 reps), 450 (10 reps), 540 (2-4 reps)

Leg extensions: Don't try to "lock" your knees. a physical trainer said that's the worst part of the extension, basically the extremes of the movement. try to squeeze your legs without fully extending.
- 4 sets: 1 warmup, 3 working -- 70 (15- 20 reps), 120 (15- 20 reps), 170 (8-10 reps)

Leg Curls: Plain and simple.

- 3 sets: 1 warmup, 2 working -- 75 (12-15 reps) x 2

Weighted lunges: i use 35s or 40s.

5 sets: i usually set a course around the gym. and try to get it in at least 5 reps. REMEMBER PUSH YOURSELF

Calf raises (weighted)

3 sets: 20 (12-15 reps) x 3


Glutamine: One of my favorite new supplements.


I get it from vitamin shoppe.

Glutamine is an anti-catabolic agent. When you go for 8 hours without food (aka sleeping), your body starts using muscle and protein, basically what catabolic means. You want your body to be anabolic, in growth mode. So I take this in the morning, during workout, and evening right before bed with my protein. I feel like this has put my body on a new level as I'm losing as much gains as before. My body is getting more cut and bigger each few weeks. AT least I see it XD.

BTW it helps with recovery too. obviously.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Got some new progress pics.

This has been my usual diet so far:

8AM: Muffin(Banana Nut), Glutamine, Water
10:20AM (Passing Period): P&J Sandwhich, Water
1:00PM : Subway Spicy Italian. it's so good.
4:00 PM: Some water, a little light muffin snack
5:15 PM: Jack3d, Water --> WOrkout
5:40 PM: Glutamine --> Workout
6:30 PM: Protein Shake (20 g of 100% Whey GOld)
8:00 PM: Family Dinner, I'm asian so we eat healthy. I convinced my mom to mix brown rice with our white rice.
11:00 PM Protein Shake (same), Glutamine

I've been cutting pretty well from my 181lbs after fat ass winter break.

I hit 169 end of January.

Pics are beginning of Feb.
Since Feb. I've joined a legit gym called YMCA. It has put my workout to a whole new level. Hopefully I can get some progress pics at the end of May.
I'm on jack3d, 1005 Gold Whey Protein, and Glutamine, not much of creatine except from the pre-workout Jack3d. not that much anyways. Rep'ed 315lbs 3 times on squat, still need getting used to the heavy weight. I bought a new back brace belt. Deadlift 225lbs for 3 sets of 8. Leg Press 540lbs.

I've been lifting pretty heavy recently to pump mass in after my cutting phase. Now i'm not stupid and eating unhealthy. I'm basically watching what I'm eating now. I get hte PJ sandwhich from the school snack store. =]. and a water with it.

I'm 176 lbs right now. I believe =].

-still pretty skinny, but i'm getting there.
-legs are end of january, since then they've been pretty much the same. I just got a bit stronger. my lower legs are disgustingly small so I've been trying to do more calves lately. still fail. How do I get my lower legs wider and thicker?

Monday, April 18, 2011

I don't follow this diet plan as of right now, cause it's too hardcore for me during the school year. I understand the consequences of not doing this so I ain't expecting too much right now. This is for some of my friends who asked for it.

Diet Plan: Hardcore DIET by Tyler Liang
Goal: Cutting w/ Mass
Notes: No more simple carbohydrates à sodas, white rice, white bread, candy, sugars;  Only complex carbohydrates à oatmeal, brown rice, wheat bread, whole grain oats; No fatty foods à fried anything, oiled anything; Lots of Water
- BTW: you don’t have to get chicken every day, you can substitute with fish or turkey if you get bored
- BTW2: This diet plan is pretty legit, if you follow this strictly with some cardio, in at least a month you’ll see huge results, unless you have cheat days, cause when you have those cheat days your body sucks up all that fat instantly.

Breakfast 8AM:
- Oatmeal
- Protein Shake (10g): not that much protein, you can up the g’s if you want

Meal 2 10:30AM:
Diet Stack:
- 1 cup steamed brown rice
- 8-12g of baked chicken (how much chicken you want)
- 1 cup of steamed veggies
(remember your “diet stack” meals aren’t supposed to make you full, just to fill your stomach with some food)

Lunch Meal 3 (whenever your lunch is A or B) 12 – 1:20PM:
Diet Stack:
- 1 cup steamed brown rice
- 8-12g of baked chicken (how much chicken you want)
- 1 cup of steamed veggies

Meal 4 3:20PM:
Diet Stack:
- 1 cup steamed brown rice
- 8-12g of baked chicken (how much chicken you want)
- 1 cup of steamed veggies

I workout at like 5:30ish btw.

Pre-Workout 5:15PM:
- Jack3d – 2 scoops
- bottle of water

Post Workout 6:40PM:
- Protein Shake (20g)                        
- Glutamine (5g)

Dinner Meal 5 7:00PM:
Diet Stack: (or whatever your parents cook you, we’re azn so it shouldn’t be that unhealthy)
- 1 cup steamed brown rice
- 8-12g of baked chicken (how much chicken you want)
- 1 cup of steamed veggies

Meal 6: 9:00PM:
Diet Stack
- 1 cup steamed brown rice
- 8-12g of baked chicken (how much chicken you want)
- 1 cup of steamed veggies


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Diet Fail

Yea. Basically diet fail.

I'm in high school and eating 6 meals of day is extremely hard. It is a hassle. And it's hard when your friends are eating chipotle right next to you.

My parents also think making tons of brown rice, steamed veggies, and baked chicken is extreme and aren't supportive.

I tried it for a day. Next day failed.

Hoping to pick up the diet sometime when I get bigger. But for now, just gradual lifting and increasing my strength and flexibility.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Arms (Tricep Bicep)

Here is my tricep and bicep workout. Piya's been giving me hype about my tricep so I might as well make a tricep post.

Stretch: again, importanttttt.
Close Bar Dips: 4x10

*If you can do your own bodyweight great. If you can't set the platform to a weight that will get you 10 reps, but not to light that it's not a workout. If you need more weight, I like to put a dumbbell between my crossed feet.

Skull Crushers: Warmup Set: 1x10 Working Set: 3x8

*Increase weight on working set. Keep your form strict. No moving. Trust me, it works better if you focus on keeping your form consistent.

Tricep Pulldowns: Superset: 4x8 (Drop weight each set without rest in between) Working Set: 3x8

*Keep form nice and clean. Go slow, and squeeze your triceps at the end of the pulldown.

Tricep Extensions (w/Dumbell): Warmup Set: 1x12 Working Set: 3x8

*I use one dumbbell. Cross your thumbs at the front of the dumbell with your palms up supporting the weight. Have good posture and from. Slow.

By this time, you shouldn't be able to do a push-up. But if you can, do close stance push ups until failure, squeezing and focusing on your triceps.


Hammer Curls: 3x8 Each arm

Preacher Curls: 3x21 (7 extended -> halfway up; 7 halfway up -> full contraction; 7 extended -> full contraction)

Preacher Negative Curls: 4x6 (or as many as you can do)

*It's best to have a spotter help you bring it up. It'll maximize your gains. I like to try to hold it still halfway down for 5 seconds.

Go home eat some protein and food. Drink Water. =]

I do this once a week AFTER I do shoulders, chest, and back, as your arms are very needed in those workouts.

Chest - Mass Workout

Here's my basic chest workout. It's a bit on the mass side. =]

Stretch: Essential. Sometimes when I don't stretch enough, my chest has a tight pulled sensation and its game over. If you pull something, you'll be out for many weeks.

Flat Dumbbell Press: Warmup 1x12, 1x8. Working Set 1x6

*increase weight each consecutive set. For the working set, pick something that's pretty heavy for you. It works better when you have a spotter.

Incline Dumbbell Press: Warmup 1x8. Working Set 2x6

*same idea

Cable Crossovers: Working Set 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6

*Your last set (1x6), increase the weight a bit.

Machine Bench Press: Warmup Set: 1x10 Working Set: 3x8

*Don't extend all the way. Just go through the range of motion that works your chest. This isn't a triceps workout, it's a chest workout.

Machine Fly's: Cool Down: 3x12.

*Light weight. Just try to cool down and squeeze the chest together.

Go home. Eat some protein and food. Drink water. =].

I do chest once a week, on a good week that is. Being in high school in Plano is kind of too stressing for working out.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Supplements. Most people who know I workout, definitely ask what I take. My recent supplementation is inspired by HanhChampion.

Three supplements that I think are most helpful are: Nitrous Oxide, Creatine, and Whey protein


BSN N.O. Explode: What I'm on right now. Definitely not the best pre-workout supplement, but gives me energy when I'm dead tired. Definitely Pricey.

Jacked 3D: Definitely recommended by me. A little scoop and you can feel the pump. Definitely adds to focus and strength. Moderately pricey.

Mioshock: Take this at your own risk. I tried this once, I literally lifted like 20 more lbs. But I had to take 7 pills. Definitely sketchy. Just wanna put it out there for those who have heard of it. Definitely pricey.


Bodytech Creatine Monohydrate: cheap pure creatine monohydrate. What else could anyone ask for? I'm actually off of this right now, cause I've been lazy. What I used when I started. Cheap price.

Volugro: What I'm on now. Complex carbs mixed with some creatine. Definitely recommended by me. Moderately pricey.

BSN Cellmass: What I want to try next. HanhChampion uses this. Definitely pricey though. =[.

Whey Protein:
Assorted Wal-mart brands: I used to use the Wal-mart kinds when I started off. Definitely alright protein for beginners, has some creatine. Tastes nasty though. Cheap price.

BSN Syntha-6: GET STRAWBERRY. Great taste. A bit fattening. 20g of protein per scoop. Recommended for skinny people. Moderately pricey.

GNC Pro Perf: Amp Wheybolic Extreme 60: Good protein for noobs. Has BCAA's and micro-proteins. Good for quick absorption. Good taste. 20g per scoop. Definitely pricey though.

100% Gold Standard Whey: Good for cutting because of 1g of fat. Has hydrolyzed proteins for better absorptions. 25 g per scoop. Has some glutamine 4g p/scoop, which will definitely help with recovery time. What I'm on right now. Good price.

I just want to note that if you take any of this, DRINK TONS OF WATER. Supplementation is definitely a great road to take only with the proper knowledge. Also, supplementation is meant for SUPPLEMENTATION. Use sparingly, don't make this comparable to food, which should be your main source of nutrients.

Keys To Mass.

I'm currently still on my mass season. And one of the main things to gain mass is NUTRITION.

I've been guilty of fast food but hey at least I'm eating.

1. Protein intake. You want to take in about 1-2g of protein per lb of body weight everyday. If you are 130, that would be about 150g of protein everyday. Whey protein is definitely a great way to get that extra inch of protein, but it is not your MAIN SOURCE. Get most of your protein from daily foods like chicken or beef. Tofu and peanut butter are also great sources.

2. Carbohydrates. Eat rice, wheat, and potatoes (Sweet preferred : complex carbs). Carbs give you energy to lift. Try to eat a muffin or something a few hours before your workout. It'll help fight the sleepiness towards the end of your workout.

3. Fats: You need healthy fats. Fats that are liquid at room temperature are the best. Poly-saturated fats such as fish oil are definitely a great boost. Solid fats like butter and grease (room temp) can enlarge you at the gut, so try to avoid them.

4. Water. Drink water. You need water in protein synthesis. If you are the slightest bit short of water, you are cutting back on your gains. Try to get a gallon a day, especially if you are on creatine, whey protein, or any other workout supplements, as water deprivation is a risk factor and can hit your kidneys and livers pretty hard.

5. Sleep. try to get at least 8 hours. Without sleep, you will throw that day's workout out the door. The body grows during sleep, not when you workout. Try to sleep early as well, like around 10 pm or 11 pm. This is the time in which your body releases muscle-building hormones, a time that you want to take advantage of so sleep.

6. Low reps-- High Weight: That's the key to mass. Compound workouts such as bench, squat, and dips are extremely helpful for beginners, as they incorporate more muscle mass to work. More worked muscle mass --> more hormones to make you bigger. This is one of the reasons why leg and back workouts are the best for mass.

I hope you got the basics of mass. Message me or facebook me if you have questions. Again I'm not an expert, but I can tell you these are the correct basics to get you in the right direction.

My Bodybuilding Blog

Hey guys, I'm Tyler Liang.

This is going to be my bodybuilding blog. This is mainly for my friends who want to workout with me. Or just want some pointers from someone who is just beginning to workout. No, I don't think I'm buff. I'm just here to show what I do, monitor my progress, and develop my own health community. Mainly for now, this is for my friends. Many of them are starting to catch on to the workout virus. =].

I began to workout in March 2010.
These were my stats:
Age: 17
Weight: 138 lbs
Height: 5'11
I was pretty skinny, but I could run. I had like no body fat.

These are my stats now:
January 2011
Age: 17
Weight: 179 lbs.
Height: 6'0

I'm still on the skinny side, but I'm starting to bulk. I still have a long way to go. Legs began to get bigger. I gained a bit of fat that I plan to start cutting on March 2011 in time for the summer. Gained a good 41 pounds, but again, there's fat in there too. Abs went away... =[[.

I'll get some recent pics in this week.

These are my December 2010 pics:
I believe I was 172lbs at the time.

Subscribe if you want to follow my progress, get some help on workouts & mass nutrition, or to just compare. I'll try to get a youtube up with videos on working out and acne.